Posters and PPT Instructions

A. Instructions for oral presentation
Author(s) will be allowed to present article(s) by using multimedia projection facilities. Participants are advised to take measures to avoid possible software incompatibility. It will better to prepare the presentation slides both in PPT and PPTX format. The presentation should be completed by seven (7) minutes followed by a discussion/question-answering session for three (3) minutes only. Please prepare limited number of slides that would allow you to effectively convey your message within a 7-minute timeframe.
B. Instructions for poster presentation
The size of the poster should be 120 cm in height and 90 cm in width (without margin). About one (1) to two (2) inch margin would be maintained in all sides of the poster. Top of each poster should have the title, name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliation(s). Besides, the CMT number provided against your poster should be mentioned at top-left corner and the thematic area at the middle-top of the poster. A photograph (PP size) of the presenter may be pasted at the top-right corner. Mounting facilities for posters will be available at the conference venue.

Suggested sections:
  1. Title and Author Information:
Place the title of your research project prominently at the top of the poster. Include the names of all authors, their affiliations, and email of corresponding author below the title.
  1. Brief Introduction:
Provide a concise and clear introduction to your research topic. Use brief sentences to explain the background and significance of your study.
  1. Objectives:
Clearly state the objectives of your research. Use bullet points or numbering for easy comprehension.
  1. Methodology:
Describe the methods and techniques employed in your research. Use a combination of text and visuals (such as process diagrams or illustrations) to explain complex methodologies.
  1. Results and Discussion:
Present your results using graphs, charts, tables, and images. Choose appropriate visual representations based on your data. Make sure the data is easy to interpret. Provide a brief explanation of the results. Discuss the implications and significance of the findings. Use color coding effectively to compare and contrast data sets for better understanding.
  1. Conclusion:
Summarize the key findings of your research and their implications using bullet points or numbered lists to make your conclusions easy to read and understand.
  1. Acknowledgement:
Acknowledgement of funding source if applicable
  1. References:
Include a short list of key references. Use a consistent citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago) for your references.

  • Use sans serif fonts for titles and headings (for example, Arial, Franklin Gothic, Helvetica, Tahoma, Trebuchet or Verdana). Use serif fonts for the body (for example: Times New Roman, Palatino).
  • Do not use all CAPS, as it is hard to read. Try to use “Sentence case.”
  • Text should be legible from three to five feet away. Title font size would be about 100 points or larger and text 24 points or larger.
  • Color should be used to unify the poster.
  • Choose 2 or 3 colors and keep them consistent.
  • Use strong, primary colors.
  • Use color to highlight keywords in text. However, most text should be black.
  • Backgrounds should be plain (white is a good choice). Avoid backgrounds with patterns or gradients – sometimes they do not print well.
  • Graphics can be tricky. Just because it looks good on the screen does not mean it will print well!
  • Graphics should have a resolution of at least 300dpi.
  • Try to avoid using screen shots – they are usually 72 dpi – screenshots are extremely pixilated (blurry) when printed on a large poster.
  • DO NOT make graphics larger by stretching them on the screen. They will not look good. Size and resolution must be captured at origination (i.e.: scanning at a high resolution). Excel graphs and clip art are okay to manipulate because they are different types of graphics than digital photos or scanned images.
  • Consider putting a thin border around each graphic – it makes them look better.
Suggested Handouts:  Summary or small printout of the poster, Copies of important figure(s), Business cards, Reference list etc.
Other Considerations:  Prepare a 3 to 5 minute verbal description of your poster, keep a notebook and pen to write notes.  Choose clothing colors that coordinate with your poster.